Donate through your pay

Payroll Giving, sometimes known as Give As You Earn, is a great way to make regular donations to Victim Support – and the only way that your donation to us can automatically be worth an extra 45%.*

Each time you are paid, your donation to Victim Support will be deducted from your gross pay. This means that a donation of £5 to Victim Support will increase to £6.25 if you are a 20% taxpayer, £8.33 if you pay tax at 40%, or £9.09 if you are a 45% taxpayer.

Any donations you give are hugely appreciated, and can make a real and vital difference to people’s lives. Find out more about how your gift will help.

*If you pay tax at the highest rate of 45%

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

You can find more information on how the initiative works at Sharing the Caring, who carry out all the necessary administration to let your employer know that you want to start making a donation to Victim Support. Once you have filled out the form, you don’t need to do anything else. It may take a couple of months before you see the donation being taken so please don’t worry if it doesn’t come out of your next pay packet.

Am I eligible to donate by Payroll Giving?

If you’re an employee or pensioner and your employer deducts Pay As You Earn tax from your salary or pension then you are eligible.

What if my employer does not offer Payroll Giving?

You can either ask your payroll or HR department to consider setting up a scheme or you can make a regular donation to Victim Support by direct debit instead.

What if my circumstances change?

You can stop, reduce or increase your payroll donation at any time. To stop your donation, just contact your payroll department and ask them to cancel it. If you’d like to decrease or increase your donation, simply use the online form to make the changes.

Sign up to Payroll Giving today

Visit the Sharing the Caring website to sign up today. If you want to find out more about Payroll Giving, email us at