Donate offline

If you prefer to make a donation by post or by text using your mobile phone, you’ll find all the details below. Your donation will help us to give vital support to any victim or witness, regardless of the type of crime they’ve suffered. Victim Support is the only independent national charity providing emotional support and practical help to anyone affected by crime, on a free and confidential basis.

We’re not part of the police or courts, and victims do not have to report the crime in order to receive our support.

Regular donations

Donating just £5 a month will help our volunteers directly support a victim of rape or sexual abuse. With your support, we can help victims to find the strength to carry on with their lives.

To set up a regular gift, download and return our regular giving form via post or email.

Postal donations

If you prefer to send a donation by post, you can download our form below and post it to us at the following address:

Freepost FUNDRAISING VS (no address needed).

Email address:


Gift Aid your donation (PDF) 271 kB
In memory donation form (PDF) 317 kB
Regular Giving Form (PDF) 333 kB
Paying in your money (PDF) 71 kB