Issy’s story

Issy was attacked and verbally abused by her neighbour, just for her sexual orientation. While she lay helpless on the floor, her neighbour screamed abuse at her, branding her a ‘queer’. The attack not only gave Issy whiplash but also left both her and her partner feeling scared in their own home.

We tried to avoid my neighbour at all costs and instead of using the front door of our building, we would go out on the patio, walk down an embankment and round to the front, which was hard for me.

Issy and her partner moved to a different address but unfortunately they were targeted again. Her partner was called ‘scum’ while walking down the street, a brick was thrown though their window and a neighbour assaulted Issy, injuring her hand and leaving her in need of hospital treatment.

After the couple reported these incidents to the police, Victim Support got in touch and provided regular emotional support through face-to-face visits and phone calls. We also helped Issy get rehoused by writing letters to the local housing association to support her application, detailing the trauma she had endured and the risks to the couple’s safety in their flat. Thanks to Victim Support, the couple now live in a home where they feel comfortable and safe, protected by security cameras that we helped install.

It was Victim Support that kept me sane by being there for us and helping. I don’t have family here, so I think we would have cracked up if it hadn’t been for Victim Support.

I get flashbacks about what we have been through but thanks to Victim Support, me and my wife are moving on from what has happened to us.