
Over the past twelve months we’ve been working on our new strategy (2020-2023). We are grateful for the input and feedback from a wide range of people including our staff and volunteers, organisations we partner with, our funders, and from the people who use, or have used, our services.

We’ve outlined some of the key sections of our 2020-2023 strategy below. You can read the full document here (pdf) and in Welsh here (pdf).

Our vision

A world where there are fewer victims, but who have:

  • Stronger rights
  • Better support
  • Real influence in the criminal justice system.

Our ambition

By 2023:

  • We will have developed innovative new services that will meet new and emerging needs
  • We will have empowered more people with specialist support and advocacy to feel safer and move on beyond the impact of the harm they have experienced and,
  • We will have effected change by making the case for people to have stronger rights and feel respected by the criminal justice system.

Our values

Everything we do is underpinned by our values which drive our organisational culture; what sort of organisation we are, what we stand for and how we behave. We are:


  • We work with people to shape the support that they receive, to develop their resilience and the skills to achieve their rights
  • We treat everyone with dignity and respect
  • We will ensure that the way we run Victim Support at every level is informed by people with lived experiences of crime and harm  and we will continue to develop the ways we involve and consult service users.


  • We are committed to ensuring that all of our services are equitable and accessible to all; that our employees and volunteers reflect the diversity of the communities we serve, and that equality, diversity and inclusion is embedded across our organisation
  • We will continue to develop channels to engage and consult with staff and volunteers to ensure their experience and voice is heard in the running of Victim Support and the delivery of our services via the Staff Consultation Forum and the Volunteer Panel


  • We will work together locally in a positive Multi Agency approach to best meet the needs of individual people affected by crime
  • We will work closely with other like-minded organisations nationally and locally to campaign for improvements in the criminal justice system and to develop our respective and collective organisational strength
  • The environment affects us all now and for the future. We will work together and with other organisations to make Victim Support a healthy place to work and visit. We are committed to continually improving our environmental performance, promoting the well-being of our teams and ensuring that we minimise any adverse environmental impact from our activities.


  • We are an independent charity. This enables us to work alongside people to represent their interests, access the services they need, exercise their rights and support them to speak out.