Governance and structure

People Committee

The People Committee has a wide remit, responsible for the management and oversight of:

  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
  • Board composition and Trustee nominations
  • Volunteering
  • HR
  • Health & Safety

The Committee consists of four members. Current members are: Roger Harding (Chair), Amy Mary Rose Herring, Derek Burnett (Independent member) Geoff Pollard and Moyna Wilkinson.

Finance, Audit & Risk Commi​t​tee

The Finance, Audit & Risk Committee looks after internal and external audits, as well risk and quality assurance responsibilities. Among other things, the Committee is responsible for VS’ corporate risk register and quality assurance processes.

The Committee also manages the financial responsibilities and duties of the Board of Trustees. The Committee monitors our day-to-day financial management and reporting.

The Finance, Audit & Risk Committee consists of at least three Trustees and up to two independent members and is chaired by a Trustee. Current members are: Kathryn Adkins (Chair), Andrew Tivey, Les Mosco, Moyna Wilkinson and Lianne Smith.

Remuneration Committee

Victim Support’s Remuneration Committee makes sure that the employment and remuneration responsibilities and duties of the Board of Trustees are managed effectively in relation to senior staff. For more information about the Remuneration Committee, read the full terms of reference.

The Chair of the Trustees chairs the Committee. Membership includes up to four Trustees and the Director of Human Resources attends to provide advice and support. Current members are Andrew Tivey (Chair), Les Mosco and Roger Harding.