Specialist services

We offer a package of support and practical help to meet the individual needs of victims and their community, which helps tackle antisocial behaviour (ASB) at the source and reduce its impact.

You & Co is Victim Support’s youth programme which helps children and young people cope with the impact and effects of crime.

We provide a robust, professional and consistent support service to all victims of domestic violence, including specialist support for young victims, male victims and those suffering domestic abuse within same-sex relationships. We also employ the largest number of Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVAs) across England and Wales.

Victim Support works with other agencies to help take away the stigma that is often attached to fraud and give the victim the confidence to report it, knowing that they are not alone and will be taken seriously. While we can’t compensate the victim for their financial loss, we can work with them to piece their lives back together.

Have you raised concerns with the General Medical Council or Nursing and Midwifery Council, or are you a witness? If so, you’re able to access independent telephone support.

As victims of hate crime can retreat into their communities, we work in partnership with many community groups and hate crime specialist agencies to build confidence and let isolated people know that they don’t have to suffer alone.

Last year our Homicide Service supported more than 1,300 people bereaved by murder and manslaughter in England and Wales.

We currently run eight restorative justice services across England and Wales. Our services and restorative justice facilitators are trained to national standards and are able to deliver safe and effective restorative justice interventions.

Safe Spaces is a free, national support service independently run by Victim Support.

We provide a robust, professional and consistent support service to all victims of sexual violence, including specialist support for young victims, male victims and those experiencing it within same-sex relationships.

VS offers services to ensure that victims are given the support they need before, during and after court, including taking Victim Personal Statements, managing witness care units and providing specialist witness support.

Get help: Call our free, 24 hour Supportline, find your local service, or request support

The Victim Awareness Course (VAC) is a simple and meaningful option for an offender (aged 18 or over) who has committed a low level volume crime and has been diverted from prosecution through the issuing of a Conditional Caution or a Community Resolution.