Children and young people

In England and Wales, more than one in ten children aged 10 to 15 are victims of crime, and there were around 371,000 incidents of violent crime against children and young people last year.

You & Co is Victim Support’s youth programme which helps children and young people cope with the impact and effects of crime. Young people do not have to report the crime to the police to get support from us.

You & Co works with children and young people from the moment they experience or witness a crime, until the time when they and their worker feel they no longer need our support. Our work focuses on reducing risk while increasing protective factors and resilience levels, with the aim of supporting children and young people to be:

  • safer and less fearful
  • less likely to be re-victimised
  • less likely to engage in risky behaviours
  • more likely to move on from their victim experiences and make positive change.

We work with children and young people in their own time and their own space, through one-to-one support, group work or sessions in schools or youth clubs. We also work alongside other children’s agencies to deliver high-quality services.

You & Co is part of Victim Support (VS) – the largest and oldest charity for victims of crime in England and Wales and the largest charity specialising in domestic violence. Our depth and breadth of expertise gives us a unique perspective which sets us apart and enables us to deliver a range of services that no other organisation could deliver.

You & Co supports children and young people who have experienced all types of crime, including bullying; domestic abuse or relationship abuse; online crime; sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation; burglary; gangs and street violence. We are committed to working alongside children and young people, involving them in decision-making processes through youth forums, consultations and co-design of services.

If you would like to discuss commissioning our services or explore any training, consultancy or partnership opportunities, please email our You & Co team.

If you or someone you know would like support after crime, contact us for help.