Domestic violence services

In 2019-20 we offered support to 40,423 survivors of domestic violence.

Walking away is not an easy option for many victims of domestic abuse or violence, and instead they struggle to live their lives in the face of persistent danger. As well as suffering direct hurt and abuse, there are other effects on victims:

  • Some will stop working or are not allowed to go out to work by their abuser, or are prevented from seeing friends, family or the wider community.
  • The children of victims frequently miss school and experience violence themselves or witness it at home.
  • Well-supported victims are usually more willing to seek help earlier, making it easier to stop the violence escalating.

We provide a robust, professional and consistent support service to all victims of domestic violence, including specialist support for young victims, male victims and those suffering domestic abuse within same-sex relationships. We work with specialist domestic violence organisations and the police, and we also employ the largest number of Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVAs) across England and Wales.

Our staff work alongside domestic violence-trained volunteers and caseworkers, many of whom have first-hand experience of being a victim of crime, to support victims of domestic violence.

All victims referred to Victim Support are assessed using the CAADA DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking and ‘Honour-based’ Violence) risk assessment tool – endorsed by government as the ‘gold standard’ assessment tool.

We are the oldest victims’ charity in the world, with more than 40 years’ experience of supporting and working with people affected by crime. We are a trusted partner and work closely with local organisations and communities, local and national agencies, local and national government, and other third-sector organisations to deliver effective, victim-centred services that give people the support they need to move beyond the impact of crime.

Our domestic violence training and support and supervision procedures have been developed in partnership with SafeLives (CAADA), and we use highly trained volunteers to support high-risk victims of domestic violence. This ensures that we can always offer domestic violence victims a safe service, even in areas where there is no specialist IDVA service.

To find out more about commissioning our services, email us at

If you’ve been affected by domestic violence and would like information or support, request support using our online form or call our free Supportline on 08 08 16 89 111. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can contact us using Relay UK on 18001 08 08 16 89 111.