Support near you – Wales

De Cymru

Os ydych chi wedi cael eich effeithio gan drosedd, ffoniwch eich tîm gofal dioddefwyr lleol yn Ne Cymru ar 0300 303 0161.

Dyfed Powys

Call your local victim care team in Dyfed Powys on 0300 123 2996. Click through to find out more about services in your area.

Dyfed Powys (Cymraeg)

Os ydych chi wedi cael eich effeithio gan drosedd, galwch eich tîm gofal dioddefwyr lleol yn Nyfed-Powys ar 0300 123 2996.

Gogledd Cymru

Os ydych wedi cael eich effeithio gan drosedd, ffoniwch eich tîm gofal dioddefwyr lleol yng Ngogledd Cymru ar 0300 30 30 159.


Call your local victim care team in Gwent on 0300 123 21 33. Click through to find out more about services in your area.

Gwent (Cymraeg)

Os ydych chi wedi cael eich effeithio gan drosedd, ffoniwch eich tîm gofal dioddefwyr lleol yng Ngwent ar 0300 123 2133.

North Wales

Call your local victim care team in North Wales on 0300 30 30 159. Click through to find out more about services in your area.

South Wales

Call your local victim care team in South Wales on 0300 303 0161. Click through to find out more about services in your area.