Hear from our volunteers

Volunteers are essential to the work we do, and we currently have around 1,600 people volunteering for us throughout England and Wales.

Find out more from some of the people who have volunteered for Victim Support over the years.

If you would like to get involved and volunteer for Victim Support, find out how to apply.

Amy’s story

I was trained as a peer mentor for victims of crime, then moved on to become a member of the youth forum. I started in summer 2013, when I worked on a National Citizen Service project to raise public awareness for Victim Support.

Anita’s story

Being able to see the positive impact I make is one of the reasons I choose to volunteer.

Claire’s story

Volunteering with Victim Support is a unique experience and an opportunity to help people when they are at their most vulnerable.

Elisha’s story

I'm a Graphic Design Volunteer. I started volunteering with Victim Support in May 2016.

Lizzie’s story

I am a Case Worker, which means I have been trained to offer emotional and practical support to people who have been affected by crime or traumatic incidents.

Monique’s story

One thing that motivates me to keep volunteering is the positive response from victims, who sometimes say that all they need is someone to talk to.

Rose’s story

I’ve been volunteering with Victim Support since 1992. I’m a Community Volunteer supporting victims of serious crime; previously I was a Homicide Volunteer and Hate Crime Champion, and I’m also a keen fundraiser!

Saddique’s story

I've been volunteering with Victim Support since 1976. I’m a Community Volunteer.

Scott’s story

I'm a Community Case Worker. I've been volunteering with Victim Support for around 15 months.