The One UK Appeal is raising funds for victims of the terrorist attacks in London and Manchester in 2017, their families and communities. Please donate today.

As soon as I heard it I knew it was a bomb, but in that moment, you don’t know what’s going to happen next.”

Natalie, victim of the Manchester Arena attack

Last year, we were in contact with more than 1,400 people affected by the terrorist attacks in the UK. We received referrals from approximately half of all police forces in England and Wales.

Our 24/7 Supportline and specially trained staff and volunteers were there to ensure victims and their families could access immediate emotional support, practical advice and financial assistance.

Ongoing support

As the first anniversaries of the attacks come to pass, we continue to help many victims who require long-term support to rebuild their lives. Our National Homicide Service is currently working with families bereaved by all four of the 2017 attacks.

You can help provide this vital, ongoing support to those affected:

  • £30 could support a young victims’ group for under 18s
  • £50 could provide practical assistance, such as help with compensation claims, for victims
  • £100 could help fund specialist long-term support for bereaved families

Please donate today.

Be a part of providing vital, ongoing support to victims of terrorism.

Help us plan to help all victims of crime into the future.

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