
Our volunteers play a wide range of vital roles within Victim Support, providing emotional and practical support to people affected by crime, supporting our office teams with project work or administration, and raising much-needed funds.

Every day across England and Wales Victim Support volunteers generously give their time to help people move beyond crime. Their support helps people feel stronger, understood and able to move forward with their lives.

We always need new volunteers to join our local teams so please view our current opportunities — we’d love to hear from you!

Covid-19 Volunteering Update

During these difficult times we really appreciate the dedication and commitment of our volunteer community. We have all had to show a level of resilience and flexibility that most of us will find difficult. This is a particularly challenging time for the victims and witnesses that we support.

Consequently, while local managers will seek to make appropriate and safe arrangements for continued contributions by our volunteers, it is inevitable that many of our volunteering activities may need to temporarily change and/or pause. Such decisions have been made to ensure the continued safety of our staff, volunteers and those we support. We will of course keep you updated with developments to our volunteering offer during this period. Meanwhile, please bear with us, stay in contact with your manager and stay safe.

We continue to recruit volunteers but roles will likely be slightly different to account for the fact of the lack of face to face contact. Until further notice all face-to-face interviews and training will be suspended, therefore interviews will be conducted via video link/Skype and training will be delivered online. Your local volunteer manager will advise on how they will facilitate this.