Information leaflets

Anyone can become a victim of crime (easy read)

Easy read document explaining how Victim Support can help you if you’ve been affected by crime.

Download the ‘Anyone can become a victim of crime’ leaflet in PDF format


Basic information and advice for people who have been affected by burglary and some practical ideas on how to improve your home security.

Download the ‘Burglary’ leaflet in PDF format

Beyond crime

Basic information about Victim Support and how we can help people affected by crime.

Download the ‘Beyond crime’ leaflet in PDF format

Domestic abuse

Basic information for people affected by domestic abuse, including useful contact details.

Download the ‘Domestic abuse’ leaflet in PDF format

You can make a difference to victims’ lives

Basic information about becoming a Victim Support volunteer.

Download the ‘You can make a difference to victims’ lives’ leaflet in PDF format

Hate crime

Basic information for people affected by hate crime.

Download the ‘Hate crime’ leaflet in PDF format

Helping your child after a crime

Basic information about how children can be affected by crime and what help is available.

Download the ‘Helping your child after a crime’ leaflet in PDF format

Rape and sexual assault – information for men

Basic information for men who have experienced rape or sexual assault, including useful contact details.

Download the ‘Rape and sexual assault – information for men’ leaflet in PDF format

Rape and sexual assault – information for women

Basic information for women who have experienced rape or sexual assault, including useful contact details.

Download the ‘Rape and sexual assault – information for women’ leaflet in PDF format

Violent crime

Basic information for people who have experienced violent crime.

Download the ‘Violent crime’ leaflet in PDF format

What to do if you feel bullied (easy read)

Easy read documents offering help and information for both adults and young people who feel they are being bullied.

Download the ‘What to do if you feel bullied’ leaflet in PDF format – for adults

Download the ‘What to do if you are feeling bullied’ leaflet in PDF format – for children and young people

Your feedback and complaints

How to get in touch if you have feedback about our services or would like to make a complaint.

Download ‘Your feedback and complaints’ leaflet in PDF format

Download ‘Making a complaint’ (easy read) in PDF format

Fundraising for Victim Support

How you can raise money to help support victims of crime.

Download Fundraising to help victims of crime in PDF format