
Crime affects everyone differently. How people react depends on:

  • the nature of the crime itself
  • the sort of person they are
  • the support already around them.

That is why our specially trained staff spend time listening to find out what people need to help them cope and recover from the impact of the crime. Our support is always confidential and led by what the person wants and needs.

We understand the impact that crime has on people, their families and communities. We work with them to help rebuild confidence in themselves and trust in others, as well as sort out all the practical problems that can happen as a result of a crime.

Compassionate, professional staff and volunteers tailor what they do to meet the individual needs of anyone affected by crime. Sometimes we can provide all the support someone needs over the phone, and provide immediate help and information including:

  • information about police and court procedures and what to expect
  • how to improve personal safety
  • the opportunity to talk in confidence to someone independent
  • the option to call us back at any time in the future.

If someone needs more intensive support, staff and volunteers in local offices around England and Wales are there to help, regardless of when the crime happened and whether or not the police are involved. This can include:

  • intensive and long term emotional support
  • help with navigating, and support through the criminal justice system from start to end
  • fitting locks and burglar alarms to secure a home
  • help with making insurance or compensation claims
  • help to get the services that are needed from other agencies.


Supportline is our free, 24/7 confidential helpline that gives immediate emotional support to people affected by crime.

As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic our free live chat service is available 24/7.

Create an account on My Support Space – an online resource containing interactive guides to help you manage the impact that crime has had on you.

Specialist services

We run a wide range of specialist services in local communities across England and Wales. Take a look at some of the specialist services we currently deliver.

Our work with other organisations

We work closely with local organisations and other specialist services so we can ensure people get the help they need in a joined up way. Find out more about some of the organisations we work with.