Antisocial behaviour services

In 2019-20 we offered support to over 1,500 people who had been affected by antisocial behaviour.

According to the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, antisocial behaviour is behaviour that causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as the perpetrator.

Individual incidents of ASB may not technically be classed as crimes but can have very similar effects for victims. Research also shows that the public don’t distinguish between ASB and criminal activity, with communities now requesting that ASB be considered a police priority.

We offer a package of support and practical help to meet the individual needs of victims and their community, which helps tackle ASB at the source and reduce its impact.

We also work to identify ‘hidden’ cases of ASB (such as those which have been reported by the police as simply one-off incidents) and to recognise victims who are vulnerable or at high risk of being harmed.

We support whole families where required – whether they are direct or indirect victims – and our core service is built around three main strands:

  • Emotional support to help victims understand and cope with the experience of living with persistent fear and disruption.
  • Information to help people understand their options for tackling ASB and getting the support they need.
  • Practical help, which involves developing a personal action plan with ASB victims, with strategies to help them protect themselves and reduce repeat incidents.

We are the oldest victims’ charity in the world, with more than 40 years’ experience of supporting and working with people affected by crime. We are a trusted partner and work closely with local organisations and communities, local and national agencies, local and national government, and other third-sector organisations to deliver effective, victim-centred services that give people the support they need to move beyond the impact of crime.

As an acknowledged leader in supporting victims, you can be confident about going into partnership with Victim Support. As well as our unrivalled experience and presence across all aspects of the community, we take the quality of our work very seriously.

To find out more about commissioning our services, email us at

If you’ve been affected by antisocial behaviour and would like information or support, request support using our online form or call our free Supportline on 08 08 16 89 111. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can contact us using Relay UK on 18001 08 08 16 89 111.