Our courses

VS is the leading charity for victim support services in England and Wales. The depth and breadth of our expertise and experience means we are uniquely placed to offer training in many areas relating to victims.

Our courses are aimed at anyone who might come into contact with or be supporting a victim of crime. This might be a line manager, support or care worker, housing liaison officer, HR personnel, or Employee Assistance Programme staff to name a few.  Delegates will come away with the essential knowledge and skills they need to deliver a sensitive service to anyone who approaches you or your organisation.

Our training is accredited by City & Guilds and delivered in classes of up to 16 people, at a time and place to suit you.

For more information or to book one of our courses please email l&s.general@victimsupport.org.uk.


Our antisocial behaviour course equips participants with the knowledge they need to understand the impact antisocial behaviour has on victims and communities, along with the skills to empathise with and address the problems those victims face.

Course topics

The training will cover the following topic areas:

  • The definition of antisocial behaviour
  • The myths and realities of antisocial behaviour
  • The impact of low-level and high-frequency antisocial behaviour on victims
  • Measures to tackle antisocial behaviour
  • The civil court process


This course will provide participants with an introduction to the issues surrounding domestic abuse. It will challenge delegates to consider their own attitudes towards this complex subject by exploring the dynamics of abusive relationships, including why victims may choose to stay with an abusive partner, or find leaving difficult. It will equip participants with the skills to recognise the common elements of an abusive relationship, and address how victims who disclose abuse can be effectively and sensitively supported, with a particular focus on the impact in the workplace.

Course topics

The training will cover the following topics:

  • Myths and realities of domestic violence and abuse
  • The dynamics of an abusive relationship
  • Complexities of leaving an abusive relationship
  • Identifying signs and indicators
  • Responding to disclosures
  • Effects in the workplace


This course provides an overview of sexual violence; it will challenge participants to consider their own attitudes toward this emotive subject through an exploration of the myths and realities that surround sexual violence. The course will explore the impact that rape and sexual violence can have on victims. It will also address how these issues can impact in the workplace, and how victims can be effectively and sensitively supported.

Course topics

The training will cover the following topics:

  • Defining sexual violence
  • Attitudes and myths
  • Impact of sexual violence
  • Helping and referring


This course provides an overview of both domestic and sexual violence in a single day of training. It will challenge participants to consider their own attitudes towards these emotive subjects through an exploration of the myths and realities that surround both issues. The course will highlight the elements that are common in abusive relationships, and the impact that rape and sexual violence can have on victims. It will also address how both issues can impact in the workplace, and how victims can be effectively and sensitively supported.

Course topics

The training will cover the following topics:

  • Myths and realities of domestic violence and sexual violence
  • The elements of an abusive relationship, and why it might be difficult to leave
  • Risk and support issues
  • The impact of rape and other sexual offences


This training provides participants with the knowledge to enable them to recognise hate incidents and crimes, and to understand the additional impact that being targeted for who you are can have on victims, families and communities. The course will look at landmark cases, and explore experiences, barriers and reactions to aid in supporting victims affected by this issue.

Course topics

The training will cover the following topics:

  • The effect of crime on the individual
  • Defining hate crime
  • The impact of hate crime
  • Issues faced by communities that experience hate crime


The aim of this training is to equip participants with the necessary awareness to effectively and sensitively support colleagues and clients who are affected by homicide and/or road death, and how it can impact in the workplace. It will address the differences in bereavement reactions when loss takes place in the context of sudden and violent death, and the specific features of homicide and road death such as media involvement, criminal justice system involvement and the public’s reactions to these incidents.

Course topics

The training will cover the following topic areas:

  • Exploring perceptions and realities of homicide and criminal road death
  • Specific features of bereavement through sudden and violent death
  • Homicide trials – what’s different and what’s difficult?
  • The impact and role of the media
  • The complexities of criminal road death cases 


The aim of this training is to equip participants with a foundation knowledge of the criminal justice system. It will enable delegates to gain an understanding of the roles of key personnel within the court environment, the different stages of a trial, the experiences of victims and witnesses, and the role of special measures and intermediaries in ensuring they are supported to give their best evidence in court.

Course topics

The training will cover the following main topic areas:

  • The different criminal courts
  • The different types of offences
  • The stages in a trial
  • The victim to witness experience
  • Vulnerable and intimidated witnesses and special measures
  • The role of intermediaries


The aim of this training is to equip participants with foundation knowledge around crime, the impact it has on the victim and others involved, and how the opinions of those in wider society can influence the impact on both direct and indirect victims. It will specifically address features of the ways victims progress towards recovery, and how participants can positively impact on those who experience crime, whether clients or colleagues.

Course topics

The training will cover the following main topic areas:

  • The effect on the individual
  • Attitudes and opinions towards crime
  • The Ripple Effect and secondary victimisation
  • The recovery process – building resilience


This module provides participants with an introduction to the concept of restorative approaches, what they involve and the philosophy that drives them. It compares the advantages of restorative approaches with the impact of the criminal justice system on victims, and demonstrates the potential positive outcomes for a justice system that embraces restorative approaches.

Course topics

The training will cover the following topic areas:

  • Restorative approaches – background and aims
  • Impact of the criminal justice system
  • Restorative justice/approaches outcomes
  • Easy option for offenders?
  • The restorative conference
  • The restorative justice/approaches menu


The purpose of this course is to raise awareness of the issues facing children and young people in relation to their experience of crime. This includes where and when they are at risk, the impact that being a victim of crime can have on them, and what will affect their ability to recover from their experience, including the barriers faced when they enter the criminal justice system. 

Course topics

The training will cover the following topic areas:

  • How young people become victims
  • The impact of crime
  • Factors that affect recovery
  • Children, young people and the criminal justice system


This training provides an introduction to and basic knowledge and competencies relevant in supporting and communicating with those with hearing impairments, whether colleagues or clients. Participants will learn how to identify when someone is affected by hearing loss or impairment, appropriate and effective communication strategies, and important considerations when supporting or working with people affected by this issue.

Course topics

The training will cover the following topics:

  • How would you know a person has a hearing impairment?
  • Terminology
  • Dos and don’ts of communication
  • Environment awareness
  • Lip reading and British Sign Language
  • Communication aids and professionals


This course will ensure that participants realise the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion in British society and its relation to their day-to-day activities, plus skills in communication related to this subject. It includes an awareness of the Equality Act 2010 and its provisions, and encourages participants to be aware of the issues faced by diverse members of society.

Course topics

The training will cover the following main topic areas:

  • The importance of equality, diversity and inclusion
  • What is meant by equality, diversity and inclusion
  • The Equality Act 2010
  • Hidden bias and stereotyping
  • The language of equality


This course seeks to raise participants’ awareness of the principles and core skills in safeguarding children and adults at risk. Participants will learn how to recognise safeguarding concerns, and about the myriad barriers that prevent those who are vulnerable from telling those who can take action to safeguard them. They will then learn the appropriate action to take once safeguarding concerns are identified.

Course topics

The training will cover the following topic areas:

  • What is safeguarding?
  • Safeguarding in context
  • Signs and indicators
  • Barriers to disclosing
  • Responding, referring, recording


This course will equip participants with an understanding of what learning disabilities are and what they might mean for those who have them. It will also define and distinguish autism and Asperger’s syndrome, and will provide strategies for supporting and communicating with colleagues and clients affected by both learning disabilities and autism.

Course topics

The training will cover the following topics:

  • Defining learning disability
  • Autism and Asperger’s
  • Supporting and working with people with learning disabilities and autism
  • Communication considerations


The aim of this course is to provide participants with information and practical knowledge about mental health issues, including societal stigmas that impact on those affected. It will discuss the key signs and symptoms of some common mental health conditions, as well as treatment options, including self-management, and increasing the confidence of participants to work with and support clients and colleagues with mental health issues.

Course topics

The training will cover the following topic areas:

  • Mental health issues
  • Symptoms and treatment including self-care
  • The stigma and judgements in relation to mental health
  • Working with colleagues and clients with mental health issues.