Housing issues

Everyone needs somewhere safe to live, and feeling safe at home is really important if you’ve been affected by crime.

It can be hard to recover from an incident if you don’t feel safe in your home. It can be even more difficult if the crime took place at home, or was carried out by someone you live with – such as an abusive partner or close neighbour.

Sometimes moving house may be the only answer to the problem. However, there are other things you can do to help you feel safer at home.

Feel safer in your home

If you have problems with getting repairs done or improving home security, or need rehousing, your local authority housing department may be able to help. They are legally obliged to provide housing advice if you’re a social housing tenant. You can also ask your landlord directly to repair any damage. If your home has been damaged due to a crime, you may not have to pay for the work done. You will need to give your landlord the crime number that the police give to you when you report the crime.

You can also contact the charity Shelter, or your local Citizens Advice. If you’re a victim of domestic violence and abuse, and need a safe place to go, Refuge may be able to help find somewhere for you. There is a network of safe places to stay, and specialist support workers, such as Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs), can help to arrange one for you.

We can help you improve your home security, deal with housing agencies, and help you find legal advice or other specialist support. We’ll also be there to listen to your needs and work with you to help reduce the overall impact of the crime you’ve experienced.

How to contact us

Get in touch with your local Victim Support office. Alternatively, you can call our Supportline for free on 08 08 16 89 111, contact us via our 24/7 live chat service, or request support via our website. We also welcome calls via Relay UK.

You can also create a free account on My Support Space – Victim Support’s online resource containing interactive guides to help you move forward after crime.

Related links

My Support Space – Victim Support’s online resource containing an interactive guide on home safety